How to bulk import inventory items?

Written by Chinmay
Updated 3 years ago

In order to import bulk inventory items, you need to visit

You can import all your inventory items on Zobaze in one go. We currently support Microsoft Excel sheet with xls and xlsx formats. These are the item and sub-item attributes we currently support:

  • Item Name
  • Item Category
  • Item Selling Price
  • Item Cost Price
  • Item Barcode
  • Item Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)

How to login to Zobaze Web office ?

1. Using your desktop or laptop browser visit

2. On your mobile device click on menu, you can see 

3. Scan the QR code using the web admin scanner

You can also login using your registered mail id.

Follow these steps to import your inventory to Zobaze.

1. Find the Import From Excel option on the top

2. Download the template

3. Fill your inventory on the template excel sheet and upload your file

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