How to use Table Management with KDS?

Written by Chinmay
Updated 3 years ago

Here are the steps you need to follow to use Table Management with KDS:

Step 1: Go to menu

Step 2: Go to Table Management

Step 3: Create table

Step 4: Click on new sale in counter

Step 5: Click on the table that you want to send order to

Step 6: Click on the item you want to add ( single tap on item to increase the count of an item, Long press to reduce the count of an item)

Step 7: Click on 'Review' button  (if you want to review the order)

Step 7: Click on 'send order'

Step 8: For the order to be processed in KDS,

*Open KDS

*Select business

*Select table orders

*Click on order and confirm (while it shows cooking in POS)

Step 9: To confirm your order, click on 'confirm' in KDS

Step 10: To serve the confirmed order, click on 'Order ready' in KDS

Step 11: After your order is served, click on bill now and continue the billing process. (Billing process should be made on POS)

Note: You can't use add to park while using table management
->To know more about KDS, take a look at this video:
Zobaze Youtube Video
Related Article:
-> How to create Tables in Table Management?
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