Add new Staff

Written by Chinmay
Updated 3 years ago

Follow these steps to add staff on your Zobaze business account

 1. Open Menu bar on the left

 2. Tap on Staff Management 

 3. Tap the + symbol at the bottom

 4. Enter the Staff Name, Staff Email  and set the desired roles and permissions

 5. Tap on the Save button at the top right corner

Roles and Permissions

Zobaze allows you to customize your permissions. We have given 4 types of permissions to help you quickly add your staff to app .

  1. Partner : when you have a business with two owners. By enabling as partner, he will by default have access to all admin permissions.                                                                      
  2. Manager : is the one who will manage store for you. He will have less permissions than admin.                                                                                                                   
  3. Helper : is your staff or anyone with least permissions.                                                                       
  4. Custom : By selecting here, you can give customized permissions.

These are other options you get on the permissions. Scroll down to learn more about them

Receipt Management

Create Receipt : If enabled, can create receipts
Edit Receipt : If enabled, can edit the receipt information
Return Receipt : If enabled, can have access to do return receipt when a customer returns item to shopkeeper.
View Receipt : If enabled, staff can view receipts of other staff members.
Admin : If enabled, that person will be able to do all of the above stuff with modification, deletion of receipts. 

Sales Counter

Discount : If enabled, the person or staff can give discount to customers.
Gift : If enabled, the person can give items as gift to customers at counter.
Free : If enabled, the person can give free items to customers.
Add Charges : If enabled, the person will be able to add extra charges to the customer while checkout at counter (ex- Packing charges, Service charges etc).
Give Credit : If enabled, he can use the store credit option in counter.

Item / Inventory Management

View Only: If enabled, can only view the item / inventory , no edit or delete permission will be given. 
Create : If enabled, can create category and items.
Admin : If enabled ,can do all sorts of modification, deletion to the inventory provided in the app.

Customer Management

View Only: If enabled, can only view registered customers.
Create : If enabled, can add new customers.
Admin : If enabled, can do all sorts of modification, deletion to manage customers.

Analytics and Reports

View Reports : If enabled, can view report in reports page.
Manage Staff : If enabled, can add, manage, edit, delete the staff.

Expense and Income Management

Add Expense : If enabled, can only add store expenses.
Modify Expense : If enabled, can modify the expenses.

Business and Settings

Manage Business : Ifenabled, can modify business details
Manage Settings : If enabled, can modify business settings and receipt settings

Storefront settings

Manage Banner : If enabled, can add and modify storefront banners
Store front Settings :If enabled, can manage store front settings. Enable and disable accepting online order, add or modify Delivery slots, edit Taxes and order confirmation message
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