Billing table order

Written by Chinmay
Updated 3 years ago

Click on the table order you want to generate a bill, review your current order and click on bill now.

In sales counter screen you can customize bill based on your requiremnets. You can add tax, discounts and other charges to bill.

How to Add Tax

Click on ADD TAX button, specify your tax value and click on save.

How to Add Discount ?

You can specify discount in two ways 1. Amount or 2. Percentage

How to add discount by amount ?

Click on Add Discount, add discount amount and click on Save

To add discount in percentage click on Add Discount, specify the discount percentage and  click on % check box.

How to add packing charges, delivery charges, service charge or other charges ?

Click on Add other charges, select type of charge you want to apply. Specify the values and click on save.

If you want to remove applied tax,discounts or charges. Simply click on what you want to remove and click on remove.

Review your bill once and Click on Charge and collect customer details (optional). 

Select the payment mode and click on Received payment once you got payment from customer. Now your Sales receipt is generated.

To view and share Receipt click on View/Send Receipt. You can share your receipt via SMS, WhatsApp, Mail or download as PDF. You can print recepits using thermal printer

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