Placing Order from table

Lets see how to place orders directly form table using Zesto POS or Waiter app
Written by Chinmay
Updated 3 years ago

Step by step tutorial for palcing order from Zesto POS

Step 1: Click on New sale on the Home page and select table you want to collect order.

Step 2: Add Items to counter based on customer requirement by simply tapping on item name.

Step 3 : Once Items are added to counter, click on review order to review items and clcik on Send order.

You have sucessfully placed your table order. Once your order is placed you will be redirected to home screen, where you can see all your table orders and their status.

Now lets see how to add or delete items in already placed order

You can add or delete items of table orders, when ever you want.

How to add item to palced table order ?

Step 1: Select the table order to which you want to add items.

Step 2 : Tap on the items you want to add to the counter. 

Step 3 : Click on review order to review you order. Now you can see the new added items highlighted. Once you review your order click on send order.

Your order is updated sucessfully, you will be now redirected to home screen. In home screen you can see the order details and status of order.

How to delete an item from placed table order ?

Step 1: Select the table order from which you want to delete a item

Step 2 : Long tap on the item you want to delete from the current order and click on send order.


Your order is updated sucessfully, you will be now redirected to home screen. In home screen you can see the order details and status of order.

How to delete complete table order at a time ?

Long tap on the table order you want to delete and click on Delete.

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